Workshop Call for Papers
Agre After Techno-Utopianism
1-2 September 2022 (University of Siegen, Germany: Media of Cooperation)
In person/hybrid
It is hard to imagine digital culture without the work of Philip E. Agre. His description of the mutual dynamics of digital technology and ideology, so-called ‘grammars of action’ (Agre 1994), and the appeal for a critical technical practice (Agre 1997) have inspired scholars across media studies, HCI, and digital art and design for over 30 years. This workshop, ‘Agre After Techno-Utopianism’, seeks to evaluate his contribution to the study of technology, ideology, critique, and practice since the ‘techno-utopia’ of the early internet era ended, and more dystopic energies emerged. „Agre After Techno-Utopianism“ weiterlesen